Brisbane Shed Kits


Australian Steel Shed Kits Made in Brisbane, QLD.

When selecting the right shed design for your Brisbane property, it’s important to install a wind-rated shed suitable for your specific location to ensure it complies and survives the hard storms and wind gusts in Southeast QLD. MSB offers site-specific shed kit designs and local manufacturing in Brisbane.

If you are searching for a kit-only shed so you can control the build, here are some great options to consider.

*All prices are subject to site-specific design; for example, prices above are based on low – medium wind speed. 

Or anything in between, MSB can offer a simple, economical design solution or a flexible, customized solution. You will find that MSB offers the best shed prices in Brisbane.

Using all BlueScope steel and genuine Australian Colorbond, we do not compromise on quality, ensuring a high-quality steel shed that will last you many years. You can choose any colour from

As a BlueScope Steel & Colorbond sheds supplier, our customers also have a manufacturer’s warranty of up to 20 years on Steel.


Customise Your Shed Kit

When researching what type of shed you should build on your property, first work out the size you think you can build, and then how you will access the shed and what else you may need.

For example, many of our customers choose from a range of optional extras, including

  • Insulation,
  • personal access doors,
  • roller doors,
  • electric motors for  roller doors
  • windows,
  • vermin seals around the bottom edges and
  • roof ventilation using a whirlybird
  • plus many more options.

What wind region am I in for sheds?



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